Thursday 23 October 2014

Ghanaians eating Cat meat

In most cultures, eating cat meat is considered taboo,  and it is condemned by many religions so why do most Ghanians love the cat also refers to as jamor

In Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in south-eastern China, some - especially older - people consider cat flesh a good warming food during winter months. However, in northern China eating cat is considered unacceptable
In Japan, cat meat was consumed until the end of Tokugawa period in the 19th century

 In Korea, cat meat is boiled and made into a tonic as a folk remedy for neuralgia and arthritis, though the meat by itself is not customarily eaten

 In some cultures of Cameroon, there is a special ceremony featuring cat-eating that is thought to bring good luck

 The Jewish laws of kashrut and Islamic dietary laws both forbid the consumption of cat meat.

In Ghana Many Tribes eat cat meat and as the market for cat meat grows people go to extreme measures to get cat meat , New Age bring you in debt footage of this act most consider crule and most find it mouth watering at the site of perpetration.

New Age Documentary Ghana : Education for all Ages Coming Soon

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